Successful head transplant procedure on a dead patient
Successful head transplant procedure on a dead patient
Sergio Canavero announced at a press conference that a Chinese team of scientists had performed the world’s first successful head transplant, only on a cadaver. Dr. Frankenstein, as the media called him, also announced that head transplantation is “inevitable” and announced that a similar operation will take place later this year in a living human being.
During a press conference in Vienna, the Italian surgeon – Sergio Canavero did not reveal too many details ł In the operation on the dead. He said only that the operation lasted 18 hours and successfully connected blood vessels, nerves and the spine. Canavero also added that the operation was led by Dr. Xiaopinga Ren – the same one who ry last year transplanted the heads of a dead monkey.
– The first human head transplant was successful – Canavero said at the conference. – The next step is head transplantation in a living patient – added. The surgeon did not back up his words in no evidence. Instead, he announced that they will be made available in the coming days.
The Italian surgeon also announced at the conference that wkr tce will undergo a head transplant in a living person. The operation will most likely take place in China, as he is not finding support for his experiments in the US and Europe. The scientist did not reveal the name of the person who rej will be transplanting the head, although it is known that a volunteer volunteered last year. He is a Russian computer scientist suffering from incurable spinal muscular atrophy – Valery Spiridonov, for who rego treatment may prove to be the only chance for survival. Of course, if successful. It was Spiridonov who was supposed to be operated on at the end of the year, but commentators cite one of Canavero’s statements from earlier this year, when he announced that the first head transplant would be performed on a Chinese citizen.
Canavero is known for his controversial experiments in conducted on animals. Under his scalpel came dogs or monkeys, which were hich were swapped heads. Some re animals, according to professor, lived more than 20 hours after head transplantation. In his own words, his new technique of reconnecting the spine, nerve and blood vessels would work.
In June, the Italian conducted a successful pr bą connections of spinal cords in mice. Using specially crafted polyethylene oxide (PEG), which rego he used as glue, successfully reconstructed the severed spinal cord of nine rodents. Canavero had already described the preparation, as a special biological glue, kt ry may be the key to successful head transplantation in the future. The mice regained their motor skills and could walk after just 28 days. Nevertheless, all the rodents involved in the experiment lived only a little over a month after the operation. With the exception of one mouse, which ra did not even live a month.
The Italian’s intentions were met with huge criticism from the scientific community. When he first announced his intention to transplant a human head, Hunt Batjer, head of the American Association for Neurological Surgeons said „There are many things worse than death” and that he will never allow it. Along with serious ethical problems, which re carries with it such an operation, many os b claims that Canavero’s technique would not work and there is not enough evidence on that the operation will be successful.