Nazca geoglyphs damaged by truck driver
Nazca geoglyphs damaged by truck driver
More than 2,000-year-old above-ground drawings located in a desert in southwestern Peru were damaged by a truck driver. The Nazca drawings are the world’s most famous example of geoglyphs and were created by the Nazca Indians.
Huge geometric figures, likenesses of monkeys, fish, a spider and other animals up to hundreds of meters in length in all its glory are visible only after rising into the air. There are hundreds of them on the Nazca plateau. They have survived there for more than 2,000 years, but last week one of them was severely damaged by a truck driver ki.
In connection with the case, driver Jainer Jesus Flores Vigo was arrested for ignoring a warning sign and invading a load of nk on monuments. According to CNN, authorities found deep tire tracks in an area of about 100 meters. Three geoglyphs were damaged.
The driver faced nine months in jail and a fine of about $1,500. However, the court ruled that there was insufficient evidence on the fact that the driver acted with intent, which is why he was released from custody.
This is not the first time these geoglyphs have been destroyed. In 2013, some of them were destroyed by heavy equipment working in resource extraction from a nearby quarry. Year p Later, Greenpeace workers also damaged the drawings during their protest.
Researchers believe that geoglyphs were formed between 300 p. n. e. and 900 AD. They were discovered in 1926. They were initially taken for irrigation systems. Then for sacred paths of a religious nature, but actually wsp modern science does not know why they were created.
There are several concepts. Some Some scientists believe they are trailblazing systems in commercial. Still others that they are the kinds of pitches on which rych sports competitions were played. There are also concepts that kt re m bind that they are an ornament, kt ra was to please the eyes of the gods. Others emphasize their connection to astronomical observations, as some re from geoglyph reflect the constellations.
However, the leading thesis is the one proposed by German researcher Marie Reiche. According to her, the Nazca drawings were used to determine the seeding so far in I harvest. This is because they point to points of eastern and western in the sun during the fall and spring on the night and summer solstice.