Why do older people have bigger ears Are cats liquid Antinoble 2017 was handed out
Why older people have bigger ears? Are cats liquid? Antinoble 2017 was handed out
The Ig Nobel Prize for the most absurd scientific research was handed out at Harvard University. Among this year’s winners of the awards popularly known as the Antinoblins were scientists who study m.In. the issue of the fluidity of cats or attempting to answer the question of why older people have bigger ears.
The satirical nature of the Ig Nobels is intended not only to make people laugh, but also to make them think, and to popularize science by showing the funny side of a researcher’s work. They are awarded by the journal Annals of Improbable Research and were given out for the 27th time this year.
The award ceremony was held yesterday at Harvard University. Antinobels at the gala are presented by real Nobel laureates, although the awards are treated with a wink of the eye. At the gala, it’s the fun that matters most. Laureates had to get to the event at their own expense, but received a check for 10 trillion for it in the dollar … zimbabwana, which re currently, however, they are worth little. The value of the award is about four cents.
The awards were given in ten categories. The physics prize was awarded to Antoine Fardin of the Statistical Physics Laboratory in Lyon, France, for his research on fluidity… cat. The study, titled "Could the cat be zar in both solid and liquid bodies", was published in "Bulletin of Rheology". Rheology is a branch of mechanics of the center of in continuous dealing with plastic deformations and the flow of material. The Frenchman was inspired by one of the articles In Boredpanda.com, kt ry suggested that cats are liquids because they take the shape of a vessel, in which the rym are found.
Economics award went to Matthew Rockloff and Nancy Greer for their research showing that contact with crocodiles can induce people to gamble. For the study, which re were particular larly described in the journal "Gambling Studies", The researchers studied 62 men and 41 women. It turned out that people who ers who had previous contact with crocodiles played riskier and at higher stakes than those who ers avoided reptiles .
The Ig Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Milo Puhan, Alex Suarez, Christian Lo Cascio, Alfred Zahn, Markus Heitz and Otto Braendli for obtaining proof that the regular playing of a brass instrument by Australian aborigines called didgeridoo effectively eliminates snoring and sleep apnea. This is because the technique of playing the instrument strengthens the muscles of the tongue and g rnych dr g respiratory. The researchers’ article was published in "British Medical Journal".
The prize in anatomy went to James Heathcote’and for research on the size of human ears. In a paper published by also in "British Medical Journal" scientist spr b was to answer the question of why older people have bigger ears. During the study, the researcher and his assistants measured the ears of 206 volunteers ranging in age from 30 to 93 years. And indeed, the older a person was, the larger his ears were. The scientist found that while the rest of the body stops growing with age, the ears behave differently and grow about 0.22 mm per year. However, the researcher failed to show why this is the case.
Kazunori Yoshizawa, Rodrigo Ferreira, Yoshitaka Kamimura and Charles Lienhard received the Ig Nobel Prize in biology for the discovery of the „female penis and male vagina in an insect in cave". This Swiss-Japanese team of ł researchers discovered the first case of reverse cenia organ in the genitalia of four species insect of the genus Neotrogla inhabiting caves in Brazil. The females of these insects have penis-like sex organs, and males have something like a vagina. The scientific paper was published in the journal "Current Biology".
Ig Nobel Prize in fluid dynamics went to Jiwon Han for his research on the dynamics of coffee splashing while moving with a mug. A young researcher at the University of Virginia has found that splashing is much less when walking backwards.
The nutrition prize honored Fernanda Ito, Enrico Bernard, Rodrigo Torres for their work on the consumption of human blood by bats. During a study of furry vampire bats (Diphylla ecaudata) from Catimbau National Park in Brazil, the trio discovered traces of human DNA in the creatures’ feces.
From medicine, the award went to Jean-Pierre Royet, David Meunier, Nicolas Torquet, Anne-Marie Mouly, Tao Jiang. Team team of French scientists used advanced scanning techniques m zgu to measure the degree to which some ers feel aversion to… sera. The researchers revealed that the people who ho do not like cheese, have a more active part of the borderlands zgowia and the black matter of the basal nuclei. The work was published in the pages of the journal "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience".
Award from the field of process in cognitive were awarded to Matteo Martini, Ilaria Bufalari, Maria Antonietta Stazi and Salvatore Maria Aglioti for demonstrating that in the twin unicorns have problems recognizing themselves in photos. A paper on the subject was published on "PLOS ONE".
Marisa L pez-Teij n, Álex García-Faura, Alberto Prats-Galino, Luis Pallarés Aniorte have been honored with an obstetrics award. A group of Spanish scientists in proved that the fl d responds better to music played inside a pregnant woman’s vagina than on her abdomen. This groundbreaking work has even been commercially exploited. It led to the development of the Babypod vaginal speaker.