Category: Blog

In the pharaoh’s tomb, an archaeologist examines entries. ancient tourists
In the pharaoh’s tomb, an archaeologist examines the entries. ancient tourists The tomb of Ramses VI in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings was already visited in ancient times by tourists who signed their names and exchanged comments, reminiscent of discussions on Facebook or tourist forums. The walls of the tomb "spoke" thanks to the research…
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The oldest traces of human ancestors discovered by Poles were stolen
The oldest traces of human ancestors discovered by Poles were stolen Perfectly preserved traces of the primate 5.7 million years old fell victim to robbers. The clues were discovered recently on a beach in Crete, and this sensational find was made by a team of scientists led by Poles.
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A new, unusual particle has been identified at CERN
A new, unusual particle has been identified at CERN Physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have announced the discovery of a new particle with unusual properties. This is the baryon Xi-cc ++. The existence of the particle has been predicted theoretically, but now for the first time it has been identified experimentally.
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Musk artificial intelligence more dangerous than nuclear weapons
Musk: artificial intelligence more dangerous than nuclear weapons During the SXSW conference in Austin, USA, Musk said that two things kt re most worrisome to him are the production difficulties associated with the Tesla Model 3 electric car and the dangers of developing artificial intelligence.
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The face of a Mesolithic teenage girl has been reconstructed
The face of a Mesolithic teenage girl was reconstructed A team of Swedish archaeologists, together with colleagues from the University of Athens, has reconstructed the face of a teenage girl from the Mesolithic period. The remains of Avga, as the girl was named, were found in 1993 in one of the Greek caves located in…
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The most famous scientific discoveries in 2017
The most famous scientific discoveries of 2017 2017 should be counted as a successful year for science. Over the past 12 months, we have learned amazing things, heard about unusual places in the Universe, and learned about groundbreaking research and discoveries in many areas of science.
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DNA of ancient Egyptian mummies has been read
The DNA of ancient Egyptian mummies was read An international team of scientists has extracted and read the DNA of ancient Egyptian mummies for the first time in history. The genome analysis has made it possible to study their origins. The results yielded unexpected results.
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NASA has made hundreds of archival recordings available on YouTube
NASA has made hundreds of archival recordings available on YouTube NASA has updated the database of videos on its Armstrong Flight Research Center channel on the popular YouTube site. Records cover decades of major research and testing undertaken by both the agency and the U.S. Air Force.
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Awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics
The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded The winners of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics are Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for his contribution to the discovery of gravitational waves. The honored scientists are associated with the LIGO detectors, which made it possible to record wrinkles of space-time.
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A sheep embryo with human cells has been grown
A sheep embryo with human cells has been grown American geneticists grew a sheep embryo that contained a small fraction of human cells. With this type of research, it may be possible to create human organs that can be used for transplantation, in the bodies of genetically modified animals.
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