The most famous scientific discoveries in 2017
The most famous scientific discoveries of 2017
2017 should be counted as a successful year for science. Over the past 12 months, we have learned amazing things, heard about unusual places in the Universe, and learned about groundbreaking research and discoveries in many areas of science.
Back at the beginning of the year, researchers at Harvard University reported that they had successfully created a water in a solid, metallic state, which rego existence was predicted about 80 years ago. – It’s the Holy Grail of high-pressure physics. This is the first in the history of the pr bka of metallic hydrogen on Earth – m The research was led by Isaac F. Silvera. More – Scientists have created a metallic hydrogen r.
The month p Later, news circulated the world about NASA’s discovery of seven exoplanets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. At least three of them are in the ecosphere, meaning life could potentially exist on them. Seven Earth-like planets orbit wok ł star TRAPPIST-1. It is an ultra-cold red dwarf, which ry is located in the constellation Aquarius about 40 light years from our solar system. This star is the size of Jupiter, but is about 80 times more massive than it. More on the TRAPPIST-1 system.
Another momentous discovery is NASA’s confirmation of hydrothermal activity on Enceladus, which ry is one of the lunar in Saturn. During the survey, the Cassini probe flew over the pi A toad of matter ejected from the geyser in and retrieved pr bki. Researchers have found water in them and carbon dioxide. It clearly indicates hydrothermal activity at the bottom of the ocean on this moon. Read more – NASA has confirmed hydrothermal activity on Enceladus.
At the end of April, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania reported that they had successfully developed an artificial uterus that ra can pom c prematurely. It comes in the form of a plastic bag filled with a special fluid and has been successfully tested on prematurely born lambs. Read more – Scientists have developed an artificial uterus.
In May, we learned the first analyses of data from the Juno mission, which re have changed our knowledge of the largest planet in our solar system – Jupiter and in the og le on the gas giant. – Discoveries about its core, chemical composition, magnetosphere and pole are as magnificent as the images that re sends us Juno – m ili Scott Bolton, head of the ny scientist of the Juno mission. Read more – A whole new Jupiter.
There was a lot going on in 2017 in terms of gene editing technology In CRISPR-Cas9. Thanks to it, US scientists have removed an inherited heart disease from a human embryo. It is at least the second pr ba modifying the embryo in the world’s humans using CRISPR, but this study is the first successful pr bs of removing the disease in vivo. Read more – Genes of hereditary heart disease removed from human embryo.
After more than a dozen years spent studying Saturn and its moon , the Cassini probe in mid-September was destroyed in a direct encounter with a gas giant. During the last flight, astronomers took the final measurements, which that could not be obtained in any other way b. More – End of the Cassini probe mission.
In October, for the first time, scientists directly recorded gravitational waves and simultaneous photons of The gravitational waves of different energies coming from the collision of neutron stars. This is the first ever The early detection of gravitational waves and light from the same cosmic cataclysm. Read more – Gravitational waves from neutron star collisions.
R also in October astronomers spotted the first ever visitor from outside the solar system. The interstellar asteroid has been named `Oumuamua and has intrigued researchers so much that a listening party has been ordered to rule out that it is not by chance an artificial creation. More – First interstellar asteroid.
The past year was also a good one for archaeology. Thanks to a technique using muon flux scanning , scientists confirmed the presence of a large empty space in the pyramid of Cheops. Despite being one of the oldest and largest structures on Earth, among the d researchers there is no consensus on how it was built. And it was during the pr in order to determine the internal structure of the building, an empty space was spotted. Read more – An empty space has been discovered inside the Great Pyramid.
At the end of the year, American scientists made p lsynthetic, living organism, which ry has an expanded six-letter DNA code and is capable of creating entirely new synthetic proteins. More – Scientists have created p xynthetic life capable of producing proteins.